Innovative Solutions to Enhance Your Business

At Odyssey Controls, we work hard to make buildings smarter.

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The Texas Team Dedicated to Your Business’ Comfort and Efficiency

Your commercial building has a purpose. Whether you own commercial property where people live and work, venues for entertainment or shopping, or facilities for learning or healing, we’re here to help improve your building management systems.

At Odyssey Controls, we transform commercial environments to optimize performance, improve safety, and enhance comfort. We strive to be the team you can trust to bring you the building outcomes that matter most.


Quality Solutions

We harvest a culture of innovation focused on bringing continuous improvements to solve the most complex challenges of commercial business owners. When you hire our team, you get quality solutions that enhance the comfort and efficiency of your commercial building.

Expert Service

When you win, we win! Our customer-driven team is dedicated to creating long-term strategic relationships that bring you the desired results. Our experts are leaders in the industry and are committed to exceptional customer experiences and solutions.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Our state-of-the-art equipment allows us to bring the best results for your building management system solutions. We uphold the highest standards, honoring our customer commitments by using the best technology and equipment in the industry.

Custom Solutions

At Odyssey Controls, we understand that every client is unique. We offer custom solutions that meet your business’s needs. By providing custom solutions, we can identify precisely what it takes to improve the comfort and efficiency of your business.

Ready to Improve the Comfort and Efficiency of Your Business?

We’re here to help! Contact our qualified experts to discuss your needs and take the first step towards a better building management system.

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